وبلاگ :
نشريه حضور
يادداشت :
بيانيه محکوميت اعدام شيخ مجاهد شهيد نمر باقر النمر
نظرات :
خصوصي ،
مشخصات شما ذخيره شود.
متن پيام :
حداکثر 2000 حرف
كد امنيتي:
اين پيام به صورت
ارسال شود.
OpenIV Apk
For the first time since 2015, we have updated OpenIV.ASI - our plugin that mods support for Grand Theft Auto V. The latest version of GTA V has a non-critical change in the code that affects
.ASI, and we have to similar changes made in our code. Without the changes in OpenIV.ASI, your game crashes while loading the screen in a very specific scenario, only when you select the Simplified Chinese language in the game. Use ASI Manager to update OpenIV.ASI to your game library.
• We fixed a bug where sometimes OpenIV would crash when naming folders inside files.
• We fixed a bug where importing texture images with 2×2 size could not be done due to infinite load.
• We fixed an issue where files would not be ed in OpenIV after dragging and dropping them into the game manager using Windows File Explorer.